...... (Sneaking in with Taylor swift's voice) Hi....., It's me Yup it's Prinny, it's me, still alive, wasn't kidnapped, didn't fall off the face of the earth, nope......just went into hiding, can't tell you why and where for the sake of national security,(ha ha) just kidding but why i disappeared is a story for another day, one I'll share when I'm ready.

     Now as to why I'm here, it's cos I've missed this, i missed it too much i felt like I would lose my mind if I didn't come back to it( that's the exaggerated version 😂), the original is that for as long as I was gone, i felt incomplete. I don't know if I've mentioned before that writing is my therapy, putting the thoughts in my head into words, now imagine not doing it for a while.... not good,on the bright side it was just a few screws that tried to come undone thanks to God, but we're healing now.

      I didn't exactly have a topic in mind when I opened this fresh document but I'm sure something will come up. While I was away, a lot of things happened, and while they're too personal to say here, i learnt a lot from it, of which the most important is...... We all need God, which i guess will be the topic, viola, a topic, well let's explore it

      Simple as that is, that's like 8 months summed up in 4 words, we all need God, now I'm sure somebody is there thinking they're king Kong and they can do without Him, but I dare you to prove me wrong( for real, i would love to hear your view). 

    Now, let us open our Bible to the book of lamentations 3 vs 22( that's right, pastor Tolu is in the house😂) and it says "Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness." And vs 25 goes on to say "The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him", yup, I'm basing my entire premise there cos well, obviously that scripture is self explanatory, we didn't exactly create ourselves, and I'm not talking about how your parents had coitus(in Sheldon's voice cos i can't help it 😂)and biology took place, there are many people who did the same thing and have nothing to show for it, but here you are, a walking testimony of grace. There were many times i felt like i could do this life thing on my own , is it not to just work hard? and then one voice in my head will just say if na by hard work, those hustling in traffic would be rich by now and then you can argue with me and say it's not by hard work but by working smart and I'll say of course it is but then there are some who work smarter than you have and still have nothing to show for it.

      Maybe it's cos I'm coming from a Christian home but I feel like I'm incomplete if there's not an atom of God in everything i do, like there's something missing, ever felt that way or is it just me?. I've always prayed saying it's not by my power or might that I'm alive today, it's by your mercies and i didn't really understand it till i came across that scripture. It made me realize that God doesn't need me, i need him, it's because of his grace and mercies that I'm alive. We were created to worship him, our primary purpose is to worship him, to depend on him, that's why our first relationship with God is that of a father and child, but even then if we don't praise him, He can get it elsewhere. In Luke 19, there was a scene where the disciples were praising God for the miracles they had seen and the pharisees told Jesus to rebuke them and Jesus said if i do so, i tell you these stone will cry out. Now tell me, what is it you think God needs from you?. In John 15:16, Jesus was teaching his disciples, he told them "You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name." Likewise our relationship with God, Everyday we wake up to hustle, to face the day's shege, it's cos his mercy found us, not because of the works of our hand or the words of our hearts, but because of his mercies and like lamentations 3:25 says "The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him", once we admit that we need God and depend on him, trust me everything begins to work for us not in an instant abracadabra kind of way oo but in a though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i fear no evil kind of way. And i pray that we all accept him as our Lord and saviour as this is the only way to life everlasting.  Amen.



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