Chronicles of being a Christian

Previously, on the chronicles of being a Christian(imagine this as a voice over)......

 I had run into some financial debt, like not nasty ones, just the kind that needed urgent miracles and as a Christian, what did I do?, I panicked, bet that wasn't what you were expecting, well it was my first instinct and in my panicking, i started praying, you know those prayers where you are crying to God expecting those miracles where a long lost uncle remembers you or a stray alert(from where you weren't expecting) enters your phone? Well, that was my prayer and so i went to a quiet place to cry to my daddy and then i opened a book that had been in my library for a while YOU'RE GOING TO BE OK by Holly Gerth, I'm sure you can imagine the coincidence even though I didn't realize it then, anyway I'm reading this book with a heavy heart and I'm seeing, you're enough, you're irreplaceable, you're an overcomer and at that point well, it didn't look it but i pushed, it was better than crying in the open and then i got to the next chapter that talked about strength and something caught my attention, it said "...the strength within you is the same one that raised Christ fron the dead, what does that mean for each of us? It means that God will give us the strength we need to accomplish his purpose in our lives regardless the circumstances" let me add my 2 cents here, it means you can't give up even when it feels like the troubles of the world is so overwhelming you want to give up, to take your life, you can't cos it's not yours to take in the first place and God isn't done with you, his purpose isn't fulfilled, it means you'll keep finding the strength to go on, the strength to live despite the pain, the strength to be happy till you fulfil his purpose for your life, it means that whatever he does have for you to accomplish, even on tough days, you can.
       All these dropped in my heart immediately after reading that part in the book, you can imagine how i felt, i was hoping and expecting a miracle and here i was seeing that even if that miracle doesn't come in, i won't die . In my heart, i started crying again cos i felt like God this was not really what i was expecting na(in a whiney child's voice), it felt like God was preparing to give me bad news like, my child, that's not how this Christianity thing works, yes I'll provide all your needs but not like a sugar daddy at your whim and that's just the truth, some of us expect that as a Christian things definitely won't be easy but that at our most vulnerable moments, God will do our biddings, the way we want it. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying it doesn't happen, it does, my family is a testimony of that but where I'm going to is that we get disappointed when the miracle doesn't happen the way we expected it to, i remember feeling like God abegg na and then i read a scripture that was tagged with the text quoted above "I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.Philippians 4:12-13NLT  Omo at this point i knew my fate but then i was strengthened cos while it didn't work out the way i expected, i felt peace, i knew that i wasn't going to get that money there and then but i wasn't overwhelmed anymore, then the holy spirit went ahead to remind me of the times i over reacted about my situations and how i didn't die, and how God provided for me in ways i didn't expect.
I'm sure by now you're wondering the point to this message, what I'm trying to say is that you're not the one designing your miracles for God, He makes things beautiful in His season, so when we find ourselves overwhelmed and we start dreaming our miracles, don't think it'll happen that way,no matter how bad things get, let us find strength in Christ. Two things i learned from this experience is that no matter how much i over react and panic, if it isn't God's time, it won't happen and He that is in me is greater than whatever situation i find myself in
It's even in the book of Matthew where Jesus says how many of you with worry can add a year to your lives, even the birds that fly by day know not where their next meal comes from but God provides for them, how much more you that your heavenly father cares about.... So don't stress it, pray, tell it to him and believe that he has heard and he will answer, He is you father after all and everything will work out for your good in the end.....
   Anyway, have a great day and remember, believe in him who was sent😊


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