So I told myself, more like cautioned myself that I wasn't going to write any valentine piece (even though I already had 2 rough  piece in my drafts) but here I am preaching love to you

    Happy Valentine's day by the way(even though nobody sent me a surprise package)

    So here I am in a fellowship and the lady's teaching about God's love in John 3:16(one of the first verses you learn in Sunday school)".....for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have an everlasting life....." And as usual, my brain goes into overdrive, mind you this is a verse I've lived with all my life but here I am wondering why did he have to die?, Then I asked my friend and she said" God is a God of justice and well with the way humanity was going, the blood of goats and sheeps was not enough to warrant forgiveness and the blood of something greater was needed, then Jesus volunteered and came to die for a group of people he didn't really know (can your boyfriend ever??), And then God had to release his only begotten son to come and die for the world he loved so much (can your father ever??).

    Now I dare you to show me a love greater than this, Now I'm not writing this because of religion, I'm writing this because I have never seen or heard a love story greater than this, that you would die for someone willingly even though the person doesn't like or appreciate you. 

     That's love, in the purest form that you would release your child to die for a people who doesn't even appreciate you cos you love them so much.

     I'm not saying that's what valentine's day should be all about (cos I love doing awwwwnnnn for those getting chocolates and gifts) but I'm saying that valentine is all about showing love and appreciation to your partner with the purest of intention not because you want something in return.

    Happy Valentine's day once again and please ask for my details, I accept gifts everyday😂😂



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