God bless you

 "......and God blessed them and they grew...."

      So I was sitting beside a friend of mine who was having a conversation with her boyfriend and she said something the piqued my interest, she said ".....I think God bless you is one of the most underrated prayers...."and that's true. How many times have we said that prayer nonchalantly?, We just look at someone and say god bless you just because.

    Sometimes we become so used to something we forget the value or we lose the value out of over usage. The bible tells us that there's power in the tongue (don't mind me ooo I'm in a preaching mood and we do need to correct some things) and that same bible tells us that God has given us power of creation and that power is in our tongue, (please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) so when we tell someone God bless you, it's like we're invoking that power and saying "God,bless this person" and more often than not, God does that.

    Now when I said God does that, some people will start thinking but I didn't get the money or that contract didn't exactly come through but God's blessing doesn't necessarily come in material ways and God doesn't work in the manner that we expect, it could be that He just placed a strategic domino in the long line of dominoes for you so that when you get to that point, everything begins to fall in place and like that, click, everything is set.

     No, I'm not crazy or cooking up a conspiracy theory cos I'm sure someone is thinking I am, like, how does she believe that that simple sentence can do so much, oh ye of little faith, do ye not believe that whatsoever you have bind on earth is bound in heaven? and whatsoever ye have loose on earth is loose in heaven?, So all we need is to believe and it is so, He has given us all we need and all he asks is that we believe (but that's another topic for another day). When we tell someone God bless you, all we need is to believe that God already has, the blessing doesn't have to manifest in the physical before we know that it has manifested.

     But at the same time I feel I should emphasize on the BELIEVE part, meaning the manifestation of this statement hangs on the believe part even though you're saying it in passing. When you're talking to your friends or someone does something for you and you tell them "God bless you", believe with all your heart that God has blessed that person. 

     It's a simple prayer that can yield results in many ways if said correctly, we don't necessarily have to put the "in Jesus name" before we say the prayer or prophesy into someone's life . Speaking those words with faith will do the trick just as effectively

    So now let's take our offering, pastor Tolu is done with this sermon πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, just kidding but as soon as she said it(referring to beginning paragraph) I just felt like OMG, she's actually right and had to add my own two cents. Anyway, the next time we tell someone God bless you, let's bear this in mind, who knows you might actually be prophesying that much needed miracle in that person's life. Goodnight and God bless you 



  1. God bless you😊. More grace dear.

  2. Beautiful πŸ₯°.
    God bless you too

  3. Awwwwwwwwn. God bless youπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—. More annoiting pastor. Ride onπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. What an insightful piece!

    God bless you..


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