Happy new year

 Happy new year guys😁

It's a new year and a new beginning like I sometimes like to say. This is my first post of the year and I'm already so excited, why?, Well cos it's a new year silly and new years bring new surprises, new opportunities,or even matured opportunities from last year, I feel like I'm opening gift boxes each day(and I loovvee opening gift boxes)ready for the blessings that come with them, ooohhhh I feel giddy already.

  First off I wanna apologize, I should have posted earlier,I'm sorry. I kept on thinking about what to write you know, first I came up with new year's resolution and that didn't exactly resolute with me so I scrapped it, thought about writing a poem(still working on that) and then I just got carried away and forgot but I'm here now sweeties even though I'm not too sure of the topic but let's see. Now let's open this gift box to know what awaits us.

     It's a new year,a new opportunity to start afresh, I always feel like the new year is a new slate,free from previous mistakes, like I get another chance to figure out my purpose in life, am I still on track, have I strayed, am I being distracted? And I know I can figure this out during the year but there's something about the beginning of new years that make it feel like the perfect time to do it. That's probably why people have new year resolutions(hmmm I might be on to something here if I do say so myself). Anyways I decided to also join them to write out my new year's resolution and after serious calculating, some self reflecting, serious pondering and research, I came up with....(insert drum rolls) 2 words, nope it's not ice cream or higher CGPA, it's not even more money. After thinking for a while all I came up with was No pressure.

      Nope I haven't lost it, still got my marbles right and yes I take my vitamins so don't be worried. Now while people were calculating how they want to have made 5 million naira by July, I just want no pressure. Now before you tag me lazy, I feel I should explain what I mean by no pressure. It means Èmà ko gìrì gìrì wa ba mì( in English: make nobody con intimidate me). This beautiful year, I just want to walk with God, to let him lead me( no I'm not preaching), last year was something for a lack of better term but it was like that cos I tried doing everything at once, being a million and one person for a million and one people and well needless for me to say it was a disaster. Now you might be wondering why I'm telling you this(the story of my life), it's because we live in a society that has heaped so much pressure on the youth especially when you hear the age of some billionaires now and then you begin to think do they have two heads?, We live in a society where money is the number one language, in the words of Olamide( the Nigerian singer),if you ain't talking money,I can't hear you your volume is somehow low, and that language speaks volume. So in a way we've been conditioned to believe that if you're in your late 20s or 30s and you don't have money then what are you doing with your life?. And while there are some exceptions to this mentality, we can't say it doesn't affect us in any way. Thats where the gìrì gìrì(intimidation) comes in, you see your mates wearing the latest designers and you that can't afford it and is not contented with what you have, begins to look for ways to get it and sometimes if desperation sets in, leads to a whole host of other problems. Like the song that trended towards the end of last year, you want to bam bam, you want to chill with the big boys, hence the trend that came after, stories of ritualism(so sad).

      Hence my new year's resolution, I just want peace and I know many of us do too, now this no pressure thing doesn't mean that I won't calculate and plan myself but cause I'm a Christian I will take things one day at a time, looking up to God to direct my path while also taking steps to achieve my dream. See, the bottom line is that I refuse to be intimidated by social media, by society, I'm going to set my pace by myself, for myself, with myself and I encourage us to do so too. Everybody's time is different and I remember what my aunt told me one time, she said" there are three times in a day, your time might be in the morning, it might be in the afternoon or in the night, the important there is that your time will come so just be patient and look to where you want to be" and that there, is peace

         Whoo, felt like I just finished preaching (ha ha) but I felt I should share this, it's a new year with a new chance, let's plan ourselves properly knowing what we want and taking the right steps in achieving them.            

                                                Yours beautifully



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