
 🎶 let's talk about love, let's talk about life, let's talk about love, let's talk about life, let's talk about LOVE....🎶


       In the words of Westlife, let's talk about LOVE. I won't lie that this isn't inspired by the upcoming celebration of valentine's day, the one day that people go out of their way to show love to their partners, that one day that people in relationships go out of their way to "pepper" single Pringles like us, but that's not the point. So what's the point you might ask, well, the point is let's talk about LOVE, what is love to you? Is it the feeling of holding hands on the beach, or the feeling of orgasms under the sheets? Or the feeling of material things around your wrists?(see my rhyme there?) . I wanna know, what is love to you?

      Most of us have been in relationships, in that relationship, how did you define the love there?, What made you stop and say OMG!! I think I love him!!. While that is a very simple question, many of us might not be able to answer it( you'll be shocked). 

    Not gonna be a judge here but many of us confuse our feeling of like with love. Feelings comes in stages, you have the initial stage of CRUSH, then you have the LIKE stage, then(cause I'm childish) you have the LIKE LIKE stage, before you have LOVE. Many of us are still stuck in that LIKE LIKE( for a lack of better term) stage. Some think they love him cos he buys us stuffs, while some think they love him cos of his physique, that's why when those things are taken away, the relationship becomes empty.

         I feel even worse for this young generation because they measure their love on the amount of material things their partners can provide for them, you see a guy of 16,17yrs  professing love to a girl and when you ask him, what is it you love about me, they start stammering and giving flimsy excuses. The one that annoys me the most is when a guy sees a girl on the road, he approaches her and the next thing, BAM! He's in love and you start wondering from where?, Now before you sharpen those swords, I'm not saying there's no such thing as love at first sight, there is and if you do your research on those who have experienced it, you'll see that they saw something that attracted them, could be the way he/she walked or talked, but there was something that pulled them to the person pushing them to get to know the person better.

         It is sad that our generation (the indomie and yahoo generation) do not know the true meaning and value of the word LOVE and it's a shame cos eventually all things considered, the next generation might see love as a myth, that elusive thing that is only available to the chosen ones. So while we ponder on the perfect gift to give our boo's and bae's, let's also think about why we love them, it makes the gift even more special cos then we put more thought into it and like I believe and say, it's the thought that counts.

      Happy Valentine's day in advance y'all. Now lemme go and influence friend's boyfriend so that I can at least get a chocolate. Oh the woes of being single 😂



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