

Someone once told me that I tend to announce my issues( in my defense, I only told about 8 people and it wasn't even an issue) but after that day, I became even more self conscious, If I had any ish, I'd tell no one except my mum and then it got to the point I couldn't even tell my mum. For a very long time, this thing became a habit, I became so independently independent ( if that's a thing) and shut myself out from people. Long story short, this virus (the bad habit) lead to depression, anxiety and a whole other ish and well, what teenager needs this on top of the puberty hormones out of our control?( No one, that's who). 

     Now in order to stop sounding crazy, I'll tell you why I started with that. I was able to get out of my earlier funk thanks to this secret ( well, it's not a secret per se), FRIENDSHIP. Do you know that song that says "we all need somebody to lean on", yeah?, Well the guy that sang it wasn't crazy, yeah he knew what he was talking about, we've all read about how important friendship is( talking about the right ones)and it's all true, a friend might not be able to credit your account, but they'll always be there to give a crazy ass pep talk that sometimes might make no sense but will definitely put a smile on your face or just make you want to murder someone, and that's the beauty of friendship, having that one person in your corner, someone who knows your flaws and helps you accept them, someone who knows when it's time to team up with the grim reaper or just plainly slap sense into your head, yeah that one person.

       I had a hard time fitting in for some reasons I won't say ( yes I'm not telling you) but I was able to get through them one crazy pep talk at a time thanks to a friend. A friend might not always be there all the time cause they're human too, they have issues they're also going through but a true friend will let you know that despite he/she not being there right now, they still think of you,that's why sometimes you might not talk to someone for a long time but yet the day you reconnect feels like no love lost.

    Now I feel obliged to mention that there's a distinction between a friend and a best friend. A friend is all I described above but you see that best friend ehn(oh gosh), they take those things to the next level, they're like the human version of puppies, loyal, accepting, crazy(a whole lot of crazy), terrifying(if you manage to adopt one with a dark side), and most of all, they'll love you with all your faults. Sometimes it's not easy to sift the wheat from the shaft but one fool proof method to know a true friend is this, they won't judge you. They might make fun of you sometimes or speak out of turn but they won't willingly judge you. I said willingly cos they might get angry and throw words at you but it's from a place of anger and I give you my permission to knock them later on( yes, the queen has spoken)

   Bottom line is,all this story I've been saying is that friends are like drugs we need sometimes to make us better but we cannot buy them in the market and sometimes only few of us are able to get the original (childhood friendships), so if you have that one friend who's everything I described and more, hug them today and buy them ice cream, they deserve it. So I'm using this medium to say thank you to those awesome friends in my life , thank you so much and even you reading this, thank you

                    I LOVE Y'ALL❤️


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