

I stopped writing for a while and I could probably give a million and one excuses for why I stopped but if I'm being honest with myself, the real reason I stopped writing was cos I was scared, each time I put my pen to a sheet of paper, I make myself vulnerable whether I'm talking about love or pain or even the mundane abstract things, I give a bit of myself in it, so I stopped, I felt scared of how deep my feelings went, I felt scared of how much it hurt, I felt scared of everything in general.

The funny thing is even after I stopped, the fear didn't go away, neither did the pain and the hurt, instead I kept them bottled up and began to let them poison me.it took me a while to recognize that I wasn't healing, just avoiding so I decided to write, to open up that can of worms and that, dear people was what came out( picture above) and you know what, I felt good afterwards, I felt freer and happier. 

   Many of us are at a crossroad in our lives scared of so many things and letting them drag us down. We begin to make excuses for it and failing to face the problem head on, we know that the job we're currently at is too toxic for us but we're scared of leaving it for fear of the future, we know that the relationship we're in is toxic but we're scared that if he/she leaves there won't be anyone who'd love us, knowing fully well that it's not so but feeling content in deceiving ourselves, let me tell you something,the future is effing terrifying but it's also amazing and you won't get to enjoy the amazing part of it if you're  stuck in that phase that clings to fear. Most of the  motivational books we read, 90% of their success stories comes from the fact that they took some risks and it paid off, these risk doesn't have to be huge or very significant, it could be just putting yourself outside your comfort zone for a while, it could be wearing a skirt instead of jeans (for those of us that don't even have skirts in our wardrobe), it could be ordering a different dish from our usual, it just has to be something you don't do on a regular, I'm not gonna lie and say it's going to become a life changing moment, nope(life's just gonna be looking at you and laughing if it was a person) but you'll either enjoy it or hate it and most importantly, you'll know how it feels( that takes care of the what ifs), you'll know if you want to do it again or if you never ever want to. Taking these little risks, helps us prepare for the bigger ones, after taking the little risks for a while, taking the big ones might not seem really big anymore and before you know it, your life's moving in the direction you want (yay you!). Please note(in that robotic voice)that  while taking risks is advised and even encouraged, let's be wise about it and take calculated risks, weigh the pros and cons( Especially for those life changing decisions and even when we follow our hearts, let's be wise about it). 

We all want to fly but we won't if we sit in the corner all day thinking of the dangers of flying, sometimes all we need to do is close our eyes, spread those wings and jump. So is life, you'll never know if you'll make it if you keep on taking safe routes( not saying it's a bad thing), who knows if your big break is waiting for you on the corner of risk avenue but you've decided to take the safe route and hence loosing some great opportunities. Do you want to stand at the edge of the cliff all your life and ponder the what ifs or do you want to take that risk and fly?


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